- 著者
- Robert Axelrod
- 編者
- Lawrence Davis
- タイトル
- The Evolution of Strategies in the Iterated
Prisoner's Dilemma
- 書籍
- Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing
- シリーズ
- Research Notes in Artificial Intelligence
- ページ
- 32-41
- 日時
- 1987
- 出版
- Pitman
- カテゴリ
- PrisonersDilemma
Category: PrisonersDilemma
Chapter: 3
Bibtype: InBook
Pages: 32-41
Author: Robert Axelrod
Booktitle: Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing
Series: Research Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Editor: Lawrence Davis
Title: The Evolution of Strategies in the Iterated
Prisoner's Dilemma
Year: 1987
Address: London
Publisher: Pitman