- 著者
- Ruven Brooks
- タイトル
- Watch What I Do - reviewed by Ruven Brooks
- 日時
- December 1993
- 概要
- ...
The problem I have is that the classes of applications described in
this book seem relatively uninteresting in terms of their impact on
users. As examples, the Cypher et al. chapter states, "It is
impressive to watch the computer format a complicated table or
organise a stack of mail messages without the user writing a single
line of code." Myers sees a possible use of demonstrational systems as
noticing that two files with the same extension have been deleted and
asking the user whether all others with the same extension should be
deleted as well. Programs written to solve this kind of problem would
typically take only a few lines in a scripting or macro language. It
is true that these sorts of low-level activities may consume a
substantial portion of user time and that many users are unwilling or
unable to write the small amount of code required, but I doubt that
automating them would be regarded by most users as a breakthrough in
usability or as opening doors to new computing power. In the absence
of more compelling applications, one is left with a sense of
admiration for the authors' intellectual effort, but with doubts as to
whether the final product will be worthy of it.
- コメント
- 結局「役にたつのかもしれないが、役に立ちかたが少ないんじゃないの?」という
Dynamic Macroはそれを解決するものだと思う。
- 参考文献
- Watch What I Do -- Programming by Demonstration
- カテゴリ
- Review,
Category: Review PBE
Journal: International Journal of Man-Machine Studies
Comment: 結局「役にたつのかもしれないが、役に立ちかたが少ないんじゃないの?」という
<a href="Masui_CHI94.html">Dynamic Macro</a>はそれを解決するものだと思う。
Abstract: ...
The problem I have is that the classes of applications described in
this book seem relatively uninteresting in terms of their impact on
users. As examples, the Cypher et al. chapter states, "It is
impressive to watch the computer format a complicated table or
organise a stack of mail messages without the user writing a single
line of code." Myers sees a possible use of demonstrational systems as
noticing that two files with the same extension have been deleted and
asking the user whether all others with the same extension should be
deleted as well. Programs written to solve this kind of problem would
typically take only a few lines in a scripting or macro language. It
is true that these sorts of low-level activities may consume a
substantial portion of user time and that many users are unwilling or
unable to write the small amount of code required, but I doubt that
automating them would be regarded by most users as a breakthrough in
usability or as opening doors to new computing power. In the absence
of more compelling applications, one is left with a sense of
admiration for the authors' intellectual effort, but with doubts as to
whether the final product will be worthy of it.
Bibtype: Article
URL: http://www.atg.apple.com/Allen_Cypher/WatchWhatIDo/Reviews/Ijmms.html
Month: dec
Author: Ruven Brooks
Title: Watch What I Do - reviewed by Ruven Brooks
Year: 1993
References: Cypher:WatchWhatIDo
Dte: $Date: 2003/08/07 14:17:31 $