- 著者
- C. Ellis, S.J. Gibbs, G. Rein
- タイトル
- Design and use of a group editor
- 日時
- September 1988
- 出版
- 概要
- GROVE is a prototype outline editor specifically
designed for use by a group of people working
simultaneously on the same text outline. It has
been used in work sessions by several groups, both
in face-to-face and distributed modes, for a variety
of design tasks. This paper describes the function
of GROVE and presents some of the important
observations from these work sessions.
- カテゴリ
Category: CSCW
Abstract: GROVE is a prototype outline editor specifically
designed for use by a group of people working
simultaneously on the same text outline. It has
been used in work sessions by several groups, both
in face-to-face and distributed modes, for a variety
of design tasks. This paper describes the function
of GROVE and presents some of the important
observations from these work sessions.
Number: STP-263-88
Bibtype: TechReport
Author: C. Ellis
S.J. Gibbs
G. Rein
Month: September
Title: Design and use of a group editor
Note: idea processors, implementation, evaluation
Year: 1988
Type: Technical report
Address: Austin, Texas
Publisher: MCC