John Greiner
Programming with Inductive and Co-Inductive Types
January 1992
We look at programming with inductive and co-inductive datatypes, which are inspired theoretically by initial algebras and final co-algebras, respectively. A predicative calculus which incorporates these datatypes as primitive constructs is presented. This calculus allows reduction sequences which are significantly more efficient for two dual classes of common programs than do previous calculi using similar primitives. Several techniques for programming in this calculus are illustrated with numerous examples. A short survey of related work is also included.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: We look at programming with inductive and co-inductive 
        datatypes, which are inspired theoretically by initial algebras 
        and final co-algebras, respectively. A predicative calculus 
        which incorporates these datatypes as primitive constructs is 
        presented. This calculus allows reduction sequences which are 
        significantly more efficient for two dual classes of common 
        programs than do previous calculi using similar primitives. 
        Several techniques for programming in this calculus are 
        illustrated with numerous examples. A short survey of related 
        work is also included.
Number: CMU-CS-92-109
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: jan
Author: John Greiner
Title: Programming with Inductive and Co-Inductive Types
Year: 1992
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR