Aarti Gupta
Formal Hardware Verification Methods: A Survey
October 1991
Advances in VLSI technology have led to an increased level of complexity in current Hardware systems. Late detection of design errors typically results in higher costs due to the associated time delay as well as loss of production. Thus it is important that hardware design be free of errors. Formal verification has become an increasingly important technique towards establishing the correctness of hardware designs. In this paper we survey the research that has been done in this area, with an emphasis on more recent trends. We present a classification framework for the various methods, based on the forms of the specification, the implementation and the proof method. This framework enables us to better highlight the relationships and interactions between seemingly different approaches.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: Advances in VLSI technology have led to an increased level of
        complexity in current Hardware systems.
        Late detection of design errors typically results in higher 
        costs due to the associated time delay as well as loss of 
        Thus it is important that hardware design be free of errors.
        Formal verification has become an increasingly important 
        technique towards establishing the correctness of hardware 
        In this paper we survey the research that has been done in this
        area, with an emphasis on more recent trends.
        We present a classification framework for the various methods, 
        based on the forms of the specification, the implementation and
        the proof method.
        This framework enables us to better highlight the relationships 
        and interactions between seemingly different approaches.
Number: CMU-CS-91-193
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: oct
Author: Aarti Gupta
Title: Formal Hardware Verification Methods: A Survey
Year: 1991
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR