F. G. Halasz
Reflections on Notecards: Seven issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems
This article presents NoteCards as a foil against which to explore some of the major limitations of the current generation of hypermedia systems, and characterizes the issues that must be addressed in designing the next generation systems.
[Halasz:NoteCards.tex]も参照。 筆者開発のNoteCardの使用経験にもとづいて次世代の HyperTextの要件について述べている。NoteCardは筆者いう ところの「第2世代」のHyperTextで、「型付き」のカード を「型無し/ラベル付き」のリンクで結びつける、という 型式をしている。複数のカードの結合状態のOverview を図示して別のカードとして扱うことができてその上でリンクを 操作可能であり、カードの集合をフォルダという別のカー ドに入れることができる。 もっぱら個人がアイデアをためたり論文を書いたりする ようなときに使用されている。 筆者の提案する次世代HyperTextの要件は以下のとおり。 (1) 検索機構 従来のものは遅いフルテキストサーチが普通であるが、 内容で検索したりリンク構造で検索したりしたい (2) 構造化 ひとまとまりのカードをまとめるなど。 (3) 動的 リンクを動的に張りたい。「仮想リンク」(実行時の 計算によりリンク先が決まる)を使いたい (4) 能動的計算 受動的な検索の対象となるだけでなく自らが計算を 行なうようにしたい (5) バージョン管理 カードのバージョンをうまく扱う。ソフト開発環境 などで重要(c.f. \cite{Goldstein:PIE}) (6) マルチユーザ、CSCW対応 長いトランザクションに対応できるようにする (7) 拡張性、カスタマイズ 汎用のHyperTextを特殊用途に簡単に修正できるように する
COMPUTING REVIEWS TEXT \\ HALASZ, FRANK G. (Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp., Austin, TX, 8908-0577 \\ Reflections on NoteCards: seven issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems. \\ Halasz's paper is an important step in the emergence of hypertext and hypermedia systems within the computer science community. While both the idea and the implementation of hypertext systems have been around for over two decades, the past few years have seen a resurgence of research and development activity, perhaps due to the increasing availability of powerful personal computing workstations. \\ The author, who made substantial contributions to the development of the NoteCards hypermedia environment for Xerox, provides a first-hand look at the development, use, and evolution of these systems. Drawing from experiences, at Xerox PARC and elsewhere, with NoteCards and similar hypertext environments, he identifies for researchers and developers of the seenvironmentsa core of central issues for further investigation: search and query-based access to information, composite node/link types, virtual structures for creating temporary views of logically related information, computation attached within and/or across nodes, versioning of link and node contents, group-work support, and extensibility and personalization facilities. These seven issues lie at the intersection of information retrieval, cooperative information sharing (``groupware''), object-oriented databases, artificial intelligence, and computer-aided (software) engineering. \\ This paper is informative because these issues are common to a diverse set of professional interests and communities; they therefore represent a statement of the matters that not only concern large segments of the computer science community during the late 1980s but will probably be important into the early 1990s. In that regard the paper is a milestone in the field. \\ Rather than recapitulating the technical discussions of each issue, it is probably sufficient to say here that researchers who know about and understand these issues have almost certainly begun to investigate or prototype systems that address some of them. For these people, Halasz's discussion may represent more a point of departure, or a set of requirements that will be (or can already be) demonstrated in laboratory prototypes. Those whose interests are more peripheral to these concerns will perhaps find the paper informative, but probably not controversial. Nonetheless, the paper is a solid statement that locates the state of the art in hypermedia environments during the late 1980s. I recommend it. \\ -Walt Scacchi, Los Angeles, CA
CSCW, HyperText, MultiMedia
Category: CSCW HyperText MultiMedia
Journal: cacm
Comment: [Halasz:NoteCards.tex]も参照。
        (1) 検索機構
        (2) 構造化
        (3) 動的
        (4) 能動的計算
        (5) バージョン管理
        などで重要(c.f. \cite{Goldstein:PIE})
        (6) マルチユーザ、CSCW対応
        (7) 拡張性、カスタマイズ
Abstract: This article presents NoteCards as a foil against
        which to explore some of the major limitations of
        the current generation of hypermedia systems, and
        characterizes the issues that must be addressed in
        designing the next generation systems.
Number: 7
Bibtype: Article
Author: F. G. Halasz
Pages: 836-852
        HALASZ, FRANK G. (Microelectronics and Computer
        Technology Corp., Austin, TX, 8908-0577
        Reflections on NoteCards: seven issues for the next
        generation of hypermedia systems.
        Halasz's paper is an important step in the emergence
        of hypertext and hypermedia systems within the
        computer science community. While both the idea and
        the implementation of hypertext systems have been
        around for over two decades, the past few years have
        seen a resurgence of research and development
        activity, perhaps due to the increasing availability
        of powerful personal computing workstations.
        The author, who made substantial contributions to the
        development of the NoteCards hypermedia environment
        for Xerox, provides a first-hand look at the
        development, use, and evolution of these systems. 
        Drawing from experiences, at Xerox PARC and
        elsewhere, with NoteCards and similar hypertext
        environments, he identifies for researchers and
        developers of the seenvironmentsa core of central
        issues for further investigation: search and
        query-based access to information, composite
        node/link types, virtual structures for creating
        temporary views of logically related information,
        computation attached within and/or across nodes,
        versioning of link and node contents, group-work
        support, and extensibility and personalization
        facilities. These seven issues lie at the
        intersection of information retrieval, cooperative
        information sharing (``groupware''), object-oriented
        databases, artificial intelligence, and
        computer-aided (software) engineering.
        This paper is informative because these issues are
        common to a diverse set of professional interests and
        communities; they therefore represent a statement of
        the matters that not only concern large segments of
        the computer science community during the late 1980s
        but will probably be important into the early 1990s. 
        In that regard the paper is a milestone in the field.
        Rather than recapitulating the technical discussions
        of each issue, it is probably sufficient to say here
        that researchers who know about and understand these
        issues have almost certainly begun to investigate or
        prototype systems that address some of them. For
        these people, Halasz's discussion may represent more
        a point of departure, or a set of requirements that
        will be (or can already be) demonstrated in
        laboratory prototypes. Those whose interests are more
        peripheral to these concerns will perhaps find the
        paper informative, but probably not controversial.
        Nonetheless, the paper is a solid statement that
        locates the state of the art in hypermedia
        environments during the late 1980s. I recommend it.
        -Walt Scacchi, Los Angeles, CA
Title: Reflections on Notecards: Seven issues for the next
        generation of hypermedia systems
Note: hypertext, multimedia
Year: 1988
Volume: 31