- 著者
- S. M. Johnson, K. Parker
- タイトル
- Hypertext authoring system
- ページ
- 75-8
- 日時
- January 1991
- 概要
- Hyperties, distributed by Cognetics Corporation, is
a hypertext software package which allows the user
to create information management systems comprising
both text and graphics. Associated information in
separate articles and graphics can be linked,
allowing readers of the database to browse through
material in a sequence which is meaningful to them,
regardless of information format. The links are
highlighted terms which indicate that related
information on a topic is available. Users simply
select a highlighted link to move between related
documents. Hyperties, like all hypertext authoring
programs, lets users create non-linear information
networks. In addition to the practical application
of arranging information in a personalized way for
every user, this network provides a theoretical
context for learning. People learn by fitting new
information into their network of knowledge,
relating new concepts to old ones. Hypertext links
focus attention on the relationship between ideas
rather than on isolated facts, thereby recreating
part of a knowledge network. Thus hypertext
documents can facilitate remembering and aid in
concept development
- カテゴリ
- AuthoringSystem
Category: AuthoringSystem
Organization: Maine University, Fort Kent, ME, USA
Journal: Library Software Review
Abstract: Hyperties, distributed by Cognetics Corporation, is
a hypertext software package which allows the user
to create information management systems comprising
both text and graphics. Associated information in
separate articles and graphics can be linked,
allowing readers of the database to browse through
material in a sequence which is meaningful to them,
regardless of information format. The links are
highlighted terms which indicate that related
information on a topic is available. Users simply
select a highlighted link to move between related
documents. Hyperties, like all hypertext authoring
programs, lets users create non-linear information
networks. In addition to the practical application
of arranging information in a personalized way for
every user, this network provides a theoretical
context for learning. People learn by fitting new
information into their network of knowledge,
relating new concepts to old ones. Hypertext links
focus attention on the relationship between ideas
rather than on isolated facts, thereby recreating
part of a knowledge network. Thus hypertext
documents can facilitate remembering and aid in
concept development
Number: 1
Bibtype: Article
Author: S. M. Johnson
K. Parker
Pages: 75-8
Month: jan
Title: Hypertext authoring system
Year: 1991
Volume: 10
Keyword: authoring languages, hypermedia, IBM computers,
microcomputer applications, software packages,
Cognetics Corporation, hypertext software package,
information management systems, browse, links,
highlighted terms, Hyperties, hypertext authoring
programs, non-linear information networks, learning,
knowledge network, hypertext documents, remembering,
concept development, 256 Kbytes Numerical data:
memory size 2.62E+05 Byte