- 著者
- M. E. Lesk
- タイトル
- SIGIR 1985
- ページ
- 10-15
- 日時
- Fall 1985
- カテゴリ
- IR
Category: IR
Journal: SIGIR Forum
Number: 2-4
Bibtype: Article
Author: M. E. Lesk
Pages: 10-15
Title: SIGIR 1985
Year: Fall 1985
Volume: 18
Annote: AIテクニックの必要性についてSIGIR'85のキーノートスピー
チにおいてBruce Croftは以下のように語ったという。
Bruce Croft urged AI as a way of increasing system
performance, feeling that statistical techniques had
readhed their practical performance limits, and
btter performance would require specific subject
domain experts to analyze both documents and queries.