Brad A.Myers
State of the Art in User Interface Software Tools
February 1992
User Interface Software is inherently difficult to design and implement. This paper discusses some important reasons why user interface software is more difficult than other types of software, and then surveys the approaches that have been taken to address this problem. Many kinds of tools have been designed to help create user interface software, and these can be classified by the styles of interfaces they create, and the techniques used by the user interface designer to create the software. This paper discusses this taxonomy and a number of tools, both research and commercial, in each category. Finally, current research directions and open issues in the field are discussed.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: User Interface Software is inherently difficult to design and 
        implement. This paper discusses some important reasons why user 
        interface software is more difficult than other types of 
        software, and then surveys the approaches that have been taken 
        to address this problem. Many kinds of tools have been designed 
        to help create user interface software, and these can be 
        classified by the styles of interfaces they create, 
        and the techniques used by the user interface designer to 
        create the software. 
        This paper discusses this taxonomy and a number of tools, both 
        research and commercial, in each category. 
        Finally, current research directions and open issues in the 
        field are discussed.
Number: CMU-CS-92-114
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: feb
Author: Brad A.Myers
Title: State of the Art in User Interface Software Tools
Year: 1992
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR