Robert Nix
Editing by Example
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
January 1984
Robert Nix describes a radical approach to inductive inference in a system which provides what he calls editing by example. The system generates programs to do text transformations. The use gives the system one or more examples of some text before and after some editing operations. Based on these examples, the system construts a generalized proram to do the transformation. Note that the system does not look at the editing operations themselves, only at the example input and output. Input and output examples are given separetely and do not always need to ocur in pairs. By using various heuristic, the system can synthesize some desired programs using just a few input examples for each program. Synthesized progrms are presented to the user so that he can verify their correctness.
This approach is very different from the algorithmic methods of programming by example used in systems such as Pygmalion, since it pays no attention to the user's actions. Nevertheless, Nix finds it is a feasible way of creating text-editing programs, and believes further work should be done on similar practical applications of inducive inference. (SmallStarの論文からの引用)
Category: PBE
Comment: Robert Nix describes a radical approach to inductive
        inference in a system which provides what he calls
        editing by example. The system generates programs to
        do text transformations. The use gives the system
        one or more examples of some text before and after
        some editing operations. Based on these examples,
        the system construts a generalized proram to do the
        transformation. Note that the system does not look
        at the editing operations themselves, only at the example
        input and output. Input and output examples are given
        separetely and do not always need to ocur in pairs.
        By using various heuristic, the system can
        synthesize some desired programs using just a few
        input examples for each program. Synthesized progrms
        are presented to the user so that he can verify
        their correctness.
        This approach is very different from the algorithmic
        methods of programming by example used in systems
        such as Pygmalion, since it pays no attention to the
        user's actions. Nevertheless, Nix finds it is a
        feasible way of creating text-editing programs, and
        believes further work should be done on similar
        practical applications of inducive inference.
        (<a href="#Halbert_SmallStar">SmallStarの論文</a>からの引用)
Bibtype: InProceedings
Month: jan
Pages: 186-195
Author: Robert Nix
Booktitle: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Principles of
        Programming Languages
Title: Editing by Example
Year: 1984
Address: Salt Lake Ciry, UT