- 著者
- Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant
- 編者
- Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant
- タイトル
- HCIL Open House Workshop:
Personal Photo Libraries - Innovative Designs
- 日時
- June 2000
- 概要
- Users of digital cameras are already generating hundreds of images on
their hard drives and the task of finding favorite photos will become
serious. We developed a prototype system and would like to discuss
alternative designs with others who have worked on image libraries.
- コメント
- Ben ShneidermanらがLiebermanなどを呼んで写真検索のワークショップをやったらしい。
- ウオヘラ
- あまり面白い発表はなかったようだが...
(2003/8/7 増井)
- ・ォ・ニ・エ・/dt>
- IR,
Category: IR Photograph
Organization: University of Maryland
Comment: Ben ShneidermanらがLiebermanなどを呼んで写真検索のワークショップをやったらしい。
Abstract: Users of digital cameras are already generating hundreds of images on
their hard drives and the task of finding favorite photos will become
serious. We developed a prototype system and would like to discuss
alternative designs with others who have worked on image libraries.
Bibtype: Workshop
URL: http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/oldsoh/soh/w3.shtml
Month: jun
Editor: Ben Shneiderman
Catherine Plaisant
Title: HCIL Open House Workshop:
Personal Photo Libraries - Innovative Designs
Comment1: あまり面白い発表はなかったようだが...
(2003/8/7 増井)
Year: 2000
Date: 2003/08/08 00:47:48