William Welch1, Michael Gleicher2, Andrew Witkin
Manipulating Surfaces Differentially
Sep 1991
We want to create interactive surface design systems which provide intuitive interfaces to parametric surface representations. In this paper, we show how the technique of Differential Manipulation can be used in constructing such interfaces. It allows surface manipulation issues to be treated separately from surface representation issues. Arbitrary differentiable functions of representation parameters can be used to control the surface. Constraint and optimization techniques can be used to control many surface degrees of freedom at once. We provide examples of the technique's use in our interactive surface modeling program.
Category: CMUTR
Institution: Department of Computer Science, Carnegie
        Mellon University
Abstract: We want to create interactive surface design systems which 
        provide intuitive interfaces to parametric surface 
        In this paper, we show how the technique of Differential
        Manipulation can be used in constructing such interfaces.
        It allows surface manipulation issues to be treated separately
        from surface representation issues.
        Arbitrary differentiable functions of representation parameters
        can be used to control the surface.
        Constraint and optimization techniques can be used to control
        many surface degrees of freedom at once.
        We provide examples of the technique's use in our interactive
        surface modeling program.
Number: CMU-CS-91-175
Bibtype: TechReport
Month: Sep
Author: William Welch1
        Michael Gleicher2
        Andrew Witkin		
Title: Manipulating Surfaces Differentially 		
Year: 1991
Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Super: @CMUTR