- 著者
- C.V. Bullen, J.L. Bennett
- タイトル
- Learning from user experience with groupware
- 書籍
- Proceedings of the Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '90)
- 日時
- October 7-10 1990
- 出版
- ACM Press
- 概要
- This study examines how people are using personal
computers for electronic exchanges that link people
into task-oriented teams. Conclusions are presented
in two ways: from a design perspective, which offers
findings which designers of groupware systems to
consider; and from an organizational perspective,
whose findings should be considered by managers when
planning for and implementing groupware systems.
- カテゴリ
Category: CSCW
Abstract: This study examines how people are using personal
computers for electronic exchanges that link people
into task-oriented teams. Conclusions are presented
in two ways: from a design perspective, which offers
findings which designers of groupware systems to
consider; and from an organizational perspective,
whose findings should be considered by managers when
planning for and implementing groupware systems.
Bibtype: InProceedings
Booktitle: Proceedings of the Conference on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW '90)
Author: C.V. Bullen
J.L. Bennett
Month: October 7-10
Title: Learning from user experience with groupware
Note: email, asynchronous conferencing, organizational
concerns, evaluation
Year: 1990
Address: Los Angeles, California
Publisher: ACM Press