Dr. Toshiyuki Masui is a computer scientist at AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Japan. He has been working on the development of novel user interface techniques and software for more than ten years and published many papers in the area, and he is one of the leading researchers in the field. His current interest includes interactive information retrieval techniques, fast text input methods for PDAs, predictive interfaces, information visualization techniques, programming in the real-world environment, etc. He is the inventor of a fast text input technique 'POBox,' which is the fastest Japanese text input method on PDAs and mobile phones, and millions of Japanese mobile phone users are using his system.

Dr. Masui received BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from The University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1982 and 1984, respectively. He received Ph.D. in Computer Science from The University of Tokyo in 1997.

Work History:

 1986-1995  Sharp Corporation
(1989-1991) Carnegie Mellon University, Visiting Researcher
 1996-2003  Sony Computer Scienc Laboratories, Inc.
 2003-2004  AIST


 M.S., The University of Tokyo, 1984
    Major: Computer Science
 B.S., The University of Tokyo, 1982
    Major: Electronic Engineering
 Ph.D from The University of Tokyo, 1997


 ACM, IEEE, IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan),
 JSSST (Japan Society for Software Science and Technology)