Rob Barrett, Paul P. Maglio
Informative Things: How to Attach Information to the Real World
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'98)
November 1998
ACM Press
We describe a new method and implementation for managing information through the use of physical objects. In today's networked world, the trend is toward working in a global virtual environment. To transfer information, users are responsible for finding an appropriate storage location, naming the information, selecting the transport mechanism, and setting the access permissions. Much of the time, these burdens are needless and, in fact, stand in the way of productive use of the networked environment. In many circumstances, a physical floppy disk is the ideal medium for transferring information, as it eliminates these complications. Our Informative Things approach provides a "floppy-like" user interface that gives the impression of storing information on physical objects. In reality, our system stores information in the network, associating pointers to information with objects in the physical world. By hiding these details, we simplify information management. By linking the physical and virtual worlds, we leverage users' highly-developed ability to work in the real world.
Category: +AR
        UIST98 UI
Abstract: We describe a new method and implementation for
        managing information through the use of physical objects.
        In today's networked world, the trend is toward working in
        a global virtual environment. To transfer information, users
        are responsible for finding an appropriate storage location,
        naming the information, selecting the transport mechanism,
        and setting the access permissions. Much of the time, these
        burdens are needless and, in fact, stand in the way of
        productive use of the networked environment. In many
        circumstances, a physical floppy disk is the ideal medium
        for transferring information, as it eliminates these
        complications. Our Informative Things approach provides
        a "floppy-like" user interface that gives the impression of
        storing information on physical objects. In reality, our
        system stores information in the network, associating
        pointers to information with objects in the physical world.
        By hiding these details, we simplify information
        management. By linking the physical and virtual worlds,
        we leverage users' highly-developed ability to work in the
        real world.
Bibtype: InProceedings
Booktitle: Proceedings of the {ACM} Symposium on
        User Interface Software and Technology
Month: nov
Pages: 81-88
Author: Rob Barrett
        Paul P. Maglio
CategoryType: UIST'98発表論文
Title: Informative Things:
        How to Attach Information to the Real World 
Year: 1998
Date: 2003/08/01 04:59:48
CategoryYomi: ういすと98
Super: UIST98
Publisher: ACM Press