Scott E. Hudson
Incremental Attribute Evaluation: A Flexible Algorithm for Lazy Update
December 1989
This paper introduces a new algorithm for incremental attribute evaluation. The algorithm is lazy - it evaluates only the attributes that are both affected by a change and that are directly or indirectly observable by thte user. In this way the wasted work of computing values that are never actually used is avoided. While the algorithm is not optimal, it will perform better than the standard ``optimal'' algorithm in cases where expensive but optimal computations need to be supported. Furthermore, the algorithm does not have some of the limitations of other algoritmhs. It works for general attributed graphs as well as standard attriuted trees. In addition, it does not presume any special editing model and it supports multiple change points without loss of efficiency. Finally, the algorithm can be easily extended to a distributed and/or concurrent environment.
Category: Constraint
Institution: Department of Computer Science, University of
Abstract: This paper introduces a new algorithm for incremental
        attribute evaluation. The algorithm is lazy - it
        evaluates only the attributes that are both affected
        by a change and that are directly or indirectly
        observable by thte user. In this way the wasted work
        of computing values that are never actually used is
        avoided. While the algorithm is not optimal, it will
        perform better than the standard ``optimal''
        algorithm in cases where expensive but optimal
        computations need to be supported. Furthermore, the
        algorithm does not have some of the limitations of
        other algoritmhs. It works for general attributed
        graphs as well as standard attriuted trees. In
        addition, it does not presume any special editing
        model and it supports multiple change points without
        loss of efficiency. Finally, the algorithm can be
        easily extended to a distributed and/or concurrent
Number: TR 89-12
Bibtype: TechReport
Author: Scott E. Hudson
Month: dec
Title: Incremental Attribute Evaluation: A Flexible
        Algorithm for Lazy Update
Year: 1989
Keyword: incremental attribute evaluation, constraint
Address: Tucson, Arizona 85721