- 著者
- John R. Koza
- 編者
- Richard K. Belew, Lashon B. Booker
- タイトル
- Evolving a Computer Program to Generate Random Numbers
Using The Genetic Programming Paradigm
- 書籍
- Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Genetic Algorithms
- ページ
- 37-44
- 日時
- August 1991
- 出版
- Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
- カテゴリ
- GA
Category: GA
Bibtype: InProceedings
Month: aug
Pages: 37-44
Author: John R. Koza
Booktitle: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Genetic Algorithms
Editor: Richard K. Belew
Lashon B. Booker
Title: Evolving a Computer Program to Generate Random Numbers
Using The Genetic Programming Paradigm
Year: 1991
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.