Marc Levoy
Spreadsheets for Images
Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
July 1994
We describe a data visualization system based on spreadsheets. Cells in our spreadsheet contain graphical objects such as images, volumes, or movies. Cells may also contain widgets such as buttons, sliders, or curve editors. Objects are displayed in miniature inside each cell. Formulas for cells are written in a general-purpose programming language (Tcl) augmented with operators for array manipulation, image processing, and rendering. Compared to flow chart visualization systems, spreadsheets are more expressive, more scalable, and easier to program. Compared to conventional numerical spreadsheets, spreadsheets for images pose several unique design problems: larger formulas, longer computation times, and more complicated intercell dependencies. In response to these problems, we have extended the spreadsheet paradigm in three ways: formulas can display their results anywhere in the spreadsheet, cells can be selectively disabled, and multiple cells can be edited at once. We discuss these extensions and their implications, and we also point out some unexpected uses for our spreadsheets: as a visual database browser, as a graphical user interface builder, as a smart clipboard for the desktop, and as a presentation tool.
スプレッドシートで画像処理を行なう。 「フローチャート式」(データフロー式?)のものに比べると 計算式が見えないからわかりやすいと言っている。 計算式はTcl/Tkを使う。
あんまり大したアイデアとも思えないが... 頑張ってちゃんと 作ってはあるようである。 Volume Renderingが専門のようだが、 Stanfordの教授が自分でこういうシステムを作ってしまうとは凄い。
WWW: http://www-graphics.stanford.edu/papers/spreadsheets/
Category: UI CG VL
Organization: ACM SIGGRAPH
Comment: スプレッドシートで画像処理を行なう。
Abstract: We describe a data visualization system based on spreadsheets. 
        Cells in our spreadsheet contain graphical objects such as
        images, volumes, or movies. Cells may also contain widgets such
        as buttons, sliders, or curve editors. Objects are displayed in
        miniature inside each cell.  Formulas for cells are written in
        a general-purpose programming language (Tcl) augmented with
        operators for array manipulation, image processing, and
        Compared to flow chart visualization systems, spreadsheets are
        more expressive, more scalable, and easier to program. Compared
        to conventional numerical spreadsheets, spreadsheets for images
        pose several unique design problems: larger formulas, longer
        computation times, and more complicated intercell dependencies. 
        In response to these problems, we have extended the spreadsheet
        paradigm in three ways: formulas can display their results
        anywhere in the spreadsheet, cells can be selectively disabled,
        and multiple cells can be edited at once. We discuss these
        extensions and their implications, and we also point out some
        unexpected uses for our spreadsheets: as a visual database
        browser, as a graphical user interface builder, as a smart
        clipboard for the desktop, and as a presentation tool.
Bibtype: InProceedings
Month: jul
Pages: 24-29
Author: Marc Levoy
Booktitle: Proc. SIGGRAPH'94
Series: Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series
Title: Spreadsheets for Images
Comment1: あんまり大したアイデアとも思えないが... 頑張ってちゃんと
        Volume Renderingが専門のようだが、
Year: 1994
Date: 2003/08/01 04:59:50