WWW: http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/projects/grouplab/papers/FisheyeTochi/FisheyeTOCHI96.html Category: UI Visualization Distortion Journal: ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction Comment: 歪みを併用したズーミング方式の方が、Padのようにリニアにズーミング するよりも良い結果だったという話らしい。本当か? (増井) Number: 2 Abstract: This paper describes an experiment comparing two methods for viewing hierarchically clustered networks through traditional full-zoom techniques and through fisheye views, generated by the "variable zoom" algorithm (also described). Results suggest that the greater context provided by fisheye views significantly improved a user's performance of the tasks. Bibtype: Article Pages: 162-188 Author: Doug Schaffer Zhengping Zuo Saul Greenberg Lyn Bartram John Dill Dill Shelli Dubs Mark Roseman Title: Navigating Hierarchically Clustered Networks Through Fisheye and Full-zoom Methods Year: 1996 Date: 2003/08/01 04:59:51 References: Sarkar:GraphicalFisheyeViews Furnas:FisheyeView Rao:TableLens Noik:FisheyeViewHyperText Volume: 3