James A. Wise, James J. Thomas, Kelly Pennnock, David Lantrip, Marc Pottier, Anne Schur, Vern Crow
Nahum Gershon, Steve G. Eick
Visualizing the Non-Visual: Spatial Analysis and Interaction with Information from Text Documents
Proceedings of the Information Visualization Symposium '95
October 1995
IEEE Computer Society Press
Uses multidimensional scaling of the similarities betwen documents (based on the correlation between their vector representations) to plot one point in Euclidean space for each document. These points from a semantic scatterplot. Similar documents tend to lie near each other, although the axes of the space aren't always easy to interpret. The galaxy can also be projected onto a plane and elevation used to code frequency of mention, forming a semantic landscape of documents. (Cardのサーベイより)
Visualizing Retrieved Information: A Survey
Visualization, UI, IR
Category: Visualization UI IR
Comment: 文書間の距離から文書を地形的に配置する。
Bibtype: InProceedings
Booktitle: Proceedings of the Information Visualization Symposium '95
Month: oct
Pages: 51-58
Author: James A. Wise
        James J. Thomas
        Kelly Pennnock
        David Lantrip
        Marc Pottier
        Anne Schur
        Vern Crow
Editor: Nahum Gershon
        Steve G. Eick
Title: Visualizing the Non-Visual: Spatial Analysis and Interaction
        with Information from Text Documents
Year: 1995
Comment1: Uses multidimensional scaling of the similarities
        betwen documents (based on the correlation between their vector
        representations) to plot one point in Euclidean space for each
        document. These points from a semantic scatterplot. Similar documents
        tend to lie near each other, although the axes of the space aren't
        always easy to interpret. The galaxy can also be projected onto a
        plane and elevation used to code frequency of mention, forming a
        semantic landscape of documents.
        (<a href="#Card_VisualIR">Cardのサーベイ</a>より)
Date: 2003/08/01 04:59:51
Address: Los Alamitos, CA
Super: InfoVis95
Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press