Name: EdgeWrite Category: +Input InputSystem Shorthand UIST2003 UI Comment: 不器用か障害のためにGraffitiをちゃんと書けない人のために、 四角い窪んだ枠の中で無理にGraffitiを書くシステム。 Bibtype: InProceedings Booktitle: Proceedings of the {ACM} Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST2003) Month: nov URL: Author: Jacob O. Wobbrock Brad A. Myers John A. Kembel CategoryType: UIST2003発表論文 Title: EdgeWrite: A Stylus-Based Text Entry Method Designed for High Accuracy and Stability of Motion Year: 2003 Date: 2003/09/19 00:27:17 CategoryYomi: ういすと2003 Super: UIST2003 Publisher: ACM Press